Whenever you learn about , are informed of, or become involved in a situation that violates Rassini's Code of Ethics and Conduct, and whenever you have concerns or suggestions that you would rather be dealt with by a third party instead of with your direct supervisor or another person at your workplace. The decision to use Integrity platform is wholly voluntary.
It creates and strengthens an ethical culture, improves the work environment, and encourages the use of reports of misconduct through a safe, reliable, unbiased, and independent means, with the main goal of providing a professional and quality service to the reporting hotline service users.
No. Integrity guarantees whistleblowers full anonymity when filing a report using any of the available methods, through EthicsGlobal services.
When filing a report, you will be asked to provide the following information:
• Full name and position of the parties involved.
• Date and place of the incidents.
• Whenever, possible, any relevant evidence.
• A detailed report of how the events took place.
Because wrongdoing seriously affects a company’s net worth and its associates. And because reporting conducts that violate the integrity and wellbeing of all the members of the organization helps improve the work environment.
The violation or neglect of our CÉyC
EthicsGlobal will send the information to the Ethics and Conduct Committee within a maximum of 48 hours following the report; Rassini will be in charge of establishing the times for investigating and acting on the complaints made.
Integrity will only notify the whistleblower of the status of the investigation. Its content and outcome will remain confidential.
9) How can I follow up a filed report?
When you file a report, you will be given a follow-up code that you may use:
We suggest waiting 5 or 6 business days after filing your report to follow it up.
Any whistleblower may access Integrity and provide new information or report a second offense at any time by using the follow-up code.
All of Rassini’s stakeholders are bound to report any violations of the code of ethics that affect the organization and its members. If you witness any serious offense and fail to report it, you may be subject to severe disciplinary action by the organization.